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Unit 6 colours
2020-11-18  作者:mjs2xxxz  浏览:
Unit 6 colours

执教:泰师附小国庆校区    张志云


Unit 6 colours story time故事时间



2.初步掌握会说句型“what colour is it?” 并能熟练掌握“it’s …”的句型。


教学难点:初步会说句型“what colour is it?”,能用“it's +颜色”的句型介绍不同的颜色。

教具准备:PPT课件、颜料、不同颜色的花朵、Yang Ling的人物头饰、为杨玲设计的服饰、画笔、魔术帽、魔术披风



Step 1: Class opening(导入)

1.Free talk

 T:Good morning,class.

 Ss:Good morning, Miss Zhang.

 T:Are you happy?


2.enjoy a song

 T:Let’s enjoy a song. When you listen to the song,please think about this question. “What’s the song about?”

T:The song is over. What’s the song about?


T:Yes,you are right. It’s about colours. Today,we will learn Unit 6 colours.(板书)

   Pleas read after me. colours /K/ /K/  Boys read after me,colours. Girls read after me,colours.

设计意图:Free talk帮助学生适应英语语感,自然而然进入学习状态。再通过欣赏歌曲这一环节让孩子们去思考这首歌曲是有关什么的,从而引出我们今天上课的主题:颜色。

Step 2:presentation(新课展示)



 T:Boys and girls,I have some flowers here. They are of different colours. I am red. Read after me. red /e/ /e/ /red/. So who am I?

 Ss:You are red.

 T:Great. Now I will divide you into different groups. You two rows are blue. /u:/ /u:/ /blu:/.

 Ss:/u:/ /u:/ /blu:/.(男女生读、手势、开火车多种形式读单词)

T:Boys and girls, do you remember your team name? Ok, let me check.I will call your name.When you hear your name.please stand up and say it three times.


2.利用颜色试验学习句型“what colour is it?”以及“Its...”

T:wow, you all have a good memory. Look, we have so many flowers on the blackboard, what colour is it?

T:read after me, what colour is it?

Ss:what colour is it?

T:What colour is it?

Ss:Its +颜色

T:Great!Boys and girls, Miss Zhang is a magician. I have some colours here. What colour is it?

Ss:Its +颜色

T:This time, you ask ,I answer.

Ss:What colour is it?


T:Now I will add red and yellow together. What colour is it now?

T:now means “现在”,now /aʊ / /aʊ/ /naʊ/

T:What colour is it now? Can you guess?

Ss:orange, green

T:Maybe.Lets check.Dadang Its orange.

{C}3. {C}Lets adapt the chant with your team name

     Color,colour, what colour? Red, red, its red.

4.story time(故事时间)

1)Please which prop will Yang Ling choose?利用图片让学生猜想杨玲会选择什么道具

2)Watch the cartoon and tick out the prop观看视频,选出杨玲所学的道具

3)What colour is YangLings skirt? Watch cartoon and fill in

the blanks.自己读故事书,让学生填空,杨玲的短裙前后分别是什么颜色

{C}(4){C}read the story after the tape

{C}(5){C}read the story in piars or together or in toles.

{C}(6){C}read the story together

{C}(7){C}act out the story


Step3:Interesting practice

{C}(1){C}Teacher introduce the clothes designed for Yang Ling

        Eg:T:Look at my T-shirt. Its red.What colour is it now?

           Ss:Its green.

           S1:What colour is it now?

           Ss:Its ...

{C}(2){C}Ss introduce their clothes for Yang Ling in pairs.

{C}(3){C}Ss introduce clothes on the stage.


Step 4:Class closing

{C}1. {C}enjoy a video of our campus and know what colou is our campus in Spring, Summer and Autumn.

{C}2. {C}Share the colour of our campus in Winter with Miss Zhang.

{C}3. {C}Homework:draw a picture of our campus in winter and tell others what it is in winter
