
Unit 3 Asking the way
2016-11-07 09:13:21   作者:pyzxxyy   点击:

Unit 3  Asking the way
Sound time ,Culture time & Cartoon time
泰兴市新市小学 吴亚先
Teaching contents  教学内容
Sound time ,Culture time & Cartoon time
Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标
1. 能够理解Cartoon time故事内容。
2. 能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。
3. 能够初步感知sh在单词中的发音,运用发音规则朗读新单词。
4. 了解英美国家对于洗手间的不同表达。
5. 能正确并熟练地运用问路及指路相关的词汇及句型,在不同场景中灵活运用。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点
1. 能生动地朗读和表演Cartoon time,体会故事的幽默之处。
2. 能以纯正、优美的语音语调朗读故事,生动地合作表演故事。
3. 通过整合Story time和Cartoon time的学习,能够正确、流利地用英语指路与表达出行方式。
4. 能理解并掌握字母组合sh的发音规律,熟记例词,正确朗读小诗。
5. 了解英美国家关于洗手间的不同表达,了解英美不同的语言表达文化。
1. 能够正确理解故事并整合本单元知识,进行实际语言上的交流与运用。
2. 能生动地朗读和表演Cartoon time。
3. 正确掌握字母组合sh的发音,并能正确举例。
Teaching Procedures教学过程
Step 1 Warm-up
1. Quick response
T: (边说边演left、turn left、get on、get off the metro、turn right at the traffic lights、on your left、it’s on your right!)
S: (学生说出相反的词句,边说边演)
2.Chant: I say you say
(1) T: Let’s play a game: I say you say. I say Hello you say Hi. Hello!       
S: Hi.
T: I say “tr” you say /tr/. T-R.            
S: /tr/
T: I say train, you say try. Train.        
S: Try.
(2) 同法导入sh的单词
【设计意图:通过轻松的“你说我说”游戏,帮助学生回顾上一单元Sound time的内容,并归纳本课新的语音sh。】
Step 2  Sound time
1.(1) PPT呈现含有sh的单词: ship  sheep  shirt  shoe  she  show  shy  fish
(2) 教师出示单词并引导学生归纳sh的发音
(3) 学生看Sound time视频,感悟发音
(4) PPT呈现小诗及录音,学生先听录音然后跟读
(5) 教师出示含有sh的新单词,学生尝试朗读
2. Listen and guess
T: Sharon is in the shoe shop. And there are some shops near the shoe shop. Please listen and guess what shops they are.
No. 1 is a big place. Sharon can buy food, drink or other things in it. What is it?
No.2 is a lovely place. Sharon wants to watch a movie in it. What is it?
No. 3 is a place where Sharon can take a train.
No. 4 is a place Sharon can buy some books. Where is it?
T:There are some shops near the shoe shop. Where do Bobby and Tina want to go?
Let’s watch the cartoon .
【设计意图:通过猜地点的环节,帮助学生复习地点类的单词:snack bar,cinema,train station,bookshop并能过渡到cartoon time 的学习。】
Step 3 Cartoon time
1. Watch and answer
T: Where do Bobby and Tina want to go? Let’s watch the cartoon.
S: They want to go to City Cinema.
2. Read and find
T: How do they get to City Cinema?
First they go by ________ Next they go by ________ Then they go by ________
3. Read and think
Q1: Why don’t they take the bus?
Q2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?
Q3: Do they see the film at last(最后)? Why?
4. Listen and repeat
5. Read in roles
6. Show time
Act Cartoon time
7. Discussion in groups of four
T: Bobby and Tina miss the film because they spend too much time on the road. Can you give them some good suggestions?
What can we do to stop the traffic jam?(我们能做什么来减少交通堵塞?)
Step 4 Culture time
Bobby and Tina spend too much time on the road ,Bobby wants to go to the toilet .
How can Bobby ask the way?
Tell Bobby the way to the toilet.
Step 5 Retell the story
Bobby and Tina want to ...
First, they ...
Next, they ...
Then, they ...
Finally, they ...
Homework  家庭作业
1. Read Sound time and find more words with “sh”.
2. Retell Cartoon time.
3. Surf the Internet and make a poster about green traveling.
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