
6B Unit 6 An interesting country
2016-11-07 09:17:25   作者:pyzxxyy   点击:

6B Unit 6 An interesting country
(Period 1)
Teaching contents
story time
Teaching aims
1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说kangaroo, koala, Sydney等单词。
2. 学生能掌握一些常用短语和句型find out, read about, I’ll…You’ll…
3. 学生能读懂课文大意,了解澳大利亚的特色。
4. 学生能简要地介绍澳大利亚。
Teaching focus and difficulties
1. 学生能掌握一些常用短语和句型find out, read about, I’ll…You’ll…
2. 学生能简要地介绍澳大利亚。
Teaching aids
Teaching procedure
1.Free talk
T:What day is it today ?Are you happy?I’m happy,too.The weekend is coming.What are you going to do this weekend? Oh,you will...
    图片显示(be going to =will)
T:I will go to a zoo .My friend send me some pictures of animals.Let’s have a look.
    show some pictures
T:Are they lovely?As you know they are national treasure.Where can we see pandas?What about bald eagle?How about polar bear?Let’s look at the two pictures.Do you know them?
    Teach new words:kangaroo,koala
T: Where can you see them?Today we will learn this interesting country together.
2. Presentation and practise
1. Watch and match
T: What are they talking about?What will they do?
    Teach: find out
2. Read and say
T: How will they find out about this country?
    Mike will… Wang Bing will…  Liu Tao will…Yang Ling will…
3. Read and judge
4. Read and discuss
Why do people call Australia an interesting country?
Group work:
(1)Read the text onP59
(2)Talk in the group and find out why
S:There are some lovely animals in Australia.
T: What are they?
S: Kangaroos and koalas.
S: People can see interesting sports games in Australia.
T: What is the game?
S:Australian Football.
    Teach new words:sport-lover, Australian Football
S: People can visit beautiful cities.
T: Do you know the cities?
T:How about the people in Australia?
T: Do you know why Australia is an interesting country this time?
5.Complete the note
6. make a summary.
Australia is an interesting country, because …
You’ll find lovely…
You’ll like exciting…
You’ll find beautiful…
You’ll like kind...
S:You’ll find lovely animals.
S:You’ll find exciting sports.
S:You’ll find beautiful cities.
S:You’ll like kind people.
6.Reading time
Students read after the tape.
3. Consolidation
Make a dialogue about Australia with partern.
4. Blackboard design
                        Unit6 An interesting country
                                lovely Animals             
                                Interesting sport
                    Will...     Beautiful city
                                Kind people
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