
Unit5 Seasons (2)
2016-11-21 09:50:50   作者:zhoufeng   点击:

Unit5 Seasons 第2课时 教学内容:Story time&Fun time 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
2.能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具体活动)
4. 仿照书上Fun time 完成“我最喜欢的季节”的英文明信片制作。 教学重点:1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
2.能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具体活动)
4. 仿照书上Fun time 完成“我最喜欢的季节”的英文明信片制作。 教学难点:自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。 教学准备:PPT 教学过程:   Step 1: Warming up
1.      Sing a song: I like four seasons
2.      Recite and act the poem of story time with music
Step 2: Presentation
1. T: Boys and girls, I think you all past the first challenge. Let’s go to the next stage--
T: Do you have confidence? Our slogan is ----
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!
Task One语言表达能力I can talk about the four seasons
Task Two手脑并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons.
 2. Task One -- I can talk about the four seasons
Read and guess
(1)It is warm. We fly kites and have picnics.
T: Which season is it?
S: It’s spring.
T: That’s right. (给出不完全单词_ pr_ _ _ )   Can you spell spring?
S1: S-p-r-i-n-g
T: Well done. Let’s spell together.
(2)It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming.
T: Do you know this season?
S: It’s summer.
T: Good. (给出不完全单词s_ m _ _ )   Can you spell?
S1: …
(3)It is cold. We make snowmen and go skating.
T: Can you guess this season?
S: It’s winter.
T: Yes. (给出不完全单词_ in _ er ) …
(4)It is cool. We eat fruit and go climbing.
T: The season is…
S: autumn.
T: Great. (给出不完全单词_ u _ um _ )  How to spell?
S1: …
T: And we can also call it fall.
Ss: Fall.
3. Task two –I can make a postcard about seasons.
T: Congratulations! All of you can talk about the four seasons very well. Let’ s go on to make a postcard. Our slogan is ----
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!
T: Look at this postcard. Is it nice? (呈现书上做好的postcard)
Ss: Yes, how nice!
T: It’s Tommy’s card. Let’s listen to him.
  Which season does Tommy like?
(如果学生听不明白does,教师可提示Spring? Winter? ) Ss: winter
T: Which season do you like?  S1,2,3: …
T: Can you introduce your favorite season like Tommy?
Tips: Can you introduce(介绍) your favorite(最喜欢的) season?
It is …
I …
I …
I like …
Step 3: Show time
1. Talk in groups. Invite four Ss to show.
 2. Make a postcard
T: Now let’s make a postcard by yourself or in pairs. We will choose some excellent postcards.
最佳美术奖:Who draws the pictures the most beautifully
最佳书写奖: Who writes the introduction of your favorite season without mistakes
最佳表述奖:Who can show us your postcard and introduce your favorite season with emotion
Tips: Check these sentences
Step 4: Homework
1. 巩固诵读Story time诗歌。
2. 抄写本单元有关季节的四会单词。
3. 继续完成未完成的明信片绘制。      
Unit 5 Seasons
Spring   warm   fly kites    go boating
Summer   hot     eat ice creams  go swimming
autumn cool   have picnics  go climbing
winter cold   make snowmen  go skating
It’s... we ...  

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